It all seems surreal now, but it really happened. From Amsterdam, to Budapest, to Venice and then onward to the amazing Isle of Sicily. Then, Rome and Paris.

  • Price of a burger in Rome: 1EURO
  • Price of a metro fine in Budapest: 3200 FORINT
  • Price of Skiing volcanos, getting a fiddle lesson from a local street busker, and Georgio's gondola ride...PRICELESS

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

An Exerpt from the Travel Journal

February 19, 2006

Skis, meals and Batman!

Sicily was amazing. The views and scenery were amazing! Skiing on a volcano was a very cool experience. I'd have never thought that my first ski in two years would have been on Mt. Etna in Sicily. I'm so glad I opted to do it. It will be an experience I won't soon forget. I've never skied through clouds so thick in my life.

Dan's meal was a huge hit (thanks, Dan). A delicious meal of spagetti and garlic bread. And let's not forget the vino! mmmm mmm. Terry and I did the dishes while singing a duet of "Yesterday"...and maybe some tunes from Anne. That kitchen never shined so good. We all had a nice sleep with full tummies.

Our last day in Sicily was packed with hills and steps. Fun, but tiring. We took a nice break on a statue in a piazza and watched some children play Batman and King Kong. It was a happy moment. They were the perfect entertainment for us in our exhausted states. The perfect end to a perfect trip to a wonderful island. Fantastic!



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