It all seems surreal now, but it really happened. From Amsterdam, to Budapest, to Venice and then onward to the amazing Isle of Sicily. Then, Rome and Paris.

  • Price of a burger in Rome: 1EURO
  • Price of a metro fine in Budapest: 3200 FORINT
  • Price of Skiing volcanos, getting a fiddle lesson from a local street busker, and Georgio's gondola ride...PRICELESS

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Dave and George spend some quality time together

There's a funny story here that has to be told. So, we get on the train in Bolzano (or was it Brennero, I don't remember). We have the entire train car to ourselves. Given that we were up at 4:30am to switch trains everyone is pretty well wiped and everyone falls asleep, inluding Dave and George. As the train progresses through the Alps, it fills up with morning commuters. Dave is still asleep. I am sitting beside him and the seats across from us fill up with two nice ladies. Dave is still asleep, oblivious to the now packed train. He has fallen asleep with George gently cradled in his arms and is a picture of adorableness which the two ladies are getting quite a kick out of. Dave suddenly wakes up (with quite a start) to find a packed train, with two ladies across from him, knees practically touching his and George cradled in his arms. The look of shock on his face was priceless. I'll never forget that moment.

As the trip progressed and we got closer to our next train change (Verona onward to Venice, I believe) everyone was sleeping AGAIN except me. The gang were spread out among the train compartment so I had to make my rounds, reaching over Italian commuters to nudge awake the sleeping beauties so that we were all ready to disembark. Again, the local commuters got quite a kick out of this.

- Terry


Blogger LuLu said...

Terry, you are so our surrogate father. I have one journal from my mom to fill, and the other from you. We love you!

11/3/06 11:15 a.m.


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