It all seems surreal now, but it really happened. From Amsterdam, to Budapest, to Venice and then onward to the amazing Isle of Sicily. Then, Rome and Paris.

  • Price of a burger in Rome: 1EURO
  • Price of a metro fine in Budapest: 3200 FORINT
  • Price of Skiing volcanos, getting a fiddle lesson from a local street busker, and Georgio's gondola ride...PRICELESS

Monday, February 27, 2006

Ashley Gets a Lesson from Etienne in Budapest


Blogger Dave said...

I think his name was Atien or something like that??

28/2/06 12:05 p.m.

Blogger Terry said...

Yes, Etienne! Like Steven in French, thanks Dave

28/2/06 1:52 p.m.

Blogger Dave said...

No Problamo...I had no idea how to spell it but whatever, good enough

28/2/06 7:11 p.m.


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